Wednesday, December 9, 2009


That is where we are right now.

Yesterday at 3:15 Gabe started screaming that his right ear hurt. I called the doctors office fast because it had been snowing for about an hour and a half already and it was just supposed to get worse. Their last appointment of the day was at 3:45. It takes us 20 minutes to get there on a good day. I told them we'd be there.

I bundled both kids up and got them in the car in record time. It was a scary drive, and Gabe screamed the whole way there, through the appointment and then finally settled down after I put some drops in his ear to numb the pain. The doctors said he has the beginning of an ear infection. It must have been pretty painful for him though. It even pulled him away from the computer.

The picture below is out the dining room window looking towards our front door. This was earlier today and it is higher now.
The next picture is out our doorwall to our screened in porch. The wind is wildly blowing. It is so fine you can barely see it.
The next picture is out our back windows.
We were a little surprised to see that there aren't snow plows here, like in Michigan. A tractor plowed our cul-de-sac. Gabe had a ball watching it out the front window.
Dave is out plowing our driveway right now. He's been out there quite a while. At one point when I looked out the snow was higher than the top of our snow blower.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yikes. Sorry you guys got so hit, though I hope it's over now.

And so sorry about Gabe's ear infection! Sounds painful indeed.