Six months after his surgery he was saying more words and giving more eye contact, but still wasn't using words to communicate. He would respond to his name when called about 50 % of the time. He didn't really follow directions very well.
Now, one year post surgery he is using his words to communicate, can follow simple one or two step directions, can count to 5 on his own with no help, can say a ton of animal sounds and will say them on demand, will sit in a circle with other kids, pay attention to what is going on and participate in the activity, will sing me songs (ABCs and Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star), tries to play with the big boys at McDonalds and is the sweetest little thing ever (I may be a little bias - this is nothing new though).
We went and got their pictures taken this morning and I was so proud of both of them. They both followed the photographers instructions very well and smiled very nicely. We were in and out in an hour and that includes getting the actual pictures. I think it was the easiest picture taking experience we have ever had. Here are the pictures we got: