So, today after Maddie's dance class I dragged Maddie and Gabe to JoAnn's. They were great while I looked through the pattern books and made my selections (two dress patterns for Maddie and a laptop case pattern for myself) and even liked looking through the fabric selection the first time around. The second time through there were still no complaints and everyone was pretty much happy. But, boy oh boy, the third time through was not pretty. I had to bend over to pick up Gabe's plastic Pirates of the Carribean Octopus Head Man about 15 times and try to make him sit down in the buggy. We finally got our fabric cut and checked out. The kids were so ready to go home.
Maddie was so excited that I was going to make a dress for her (like I haven't already done this before) and kept asking me where her dress was at. She was a little upset when it didn't miraculously appear out of thin air. The kids played well together while I labored away for a few hours and then - Voila! It was done. I am happy to report that I think this dress turned out great. I just have to figure out those damned button holes. I have the worst time making them. Here are some pictures of Maddie's dress:
This model is available for hire, although, if you do employ her you may want to invest in a professional hair stylist. Hair just wasn't in our budget today so we had to make do with what we had.
ETA: Those are lemons on her dress, if you can't tell.
So cute!! I love it. I even like the hair, frankly, which I believe is called in the model biz, "touseled." I'm with you, though, on the clean-up aspect: a huge pain.
I haven't tried buttons yet, but I do have the buttonholer attachment, which my mom says makes it easy. As with the zipper foot (and other specialty feet and needles), I'm discovering the key is the right tool for the job.
I've gotta say, though, that Ms. M looks to have inherited her aunt yora's feet.
I'm going to definitely have to look into these different feet you keep talking of. I don't think any came with my machine, but I was only 15 when I got it so maybe they did. They are long gone though if they were included.
Oh my gosh! I made a blanket last year with that exact same fabric! Sooo cute.
This is Liz, btw.
That is too funny!
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