Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gabe is now officially a Kindergartener!

Gabe and I went to meet his Kindergarten teacher on Tuesday.
Here he is in front of the school sign.
Here he is in front of his classroom.
That's his teacher sitting with another student inside the classroom.
While we were waiting he took a picture of my feet.
That night Gabe got a hair cut. Now he looks like a little man.
Here is Gabe by the front door this morning - his first official day of Kindergarten.
He was very proud of his new shoes.
Here he is in front of the garage.
Now he's going out to meet the bus/van.
And finally, he's on the bus.
After he got on the bus I dropped Maddie off at school and sped to Gabe's school to see if I could get there before his bus dropped him off. I just wanted to see what time he actually got to school and how the bus ride went. I never even got out of the car. A few minutes after I pulled into the school the van pulled in. I watched as he jumped out of the bus down to the ground with a big smile on his face and walked into the school. I hope his day goes well.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yay! Want to hear about it!