Monday, August 16, 2010

The Tooth Fairy is Coming To Town Tonight

Madison lost her 1st tooth tonight. All day long she kept telling me she wanted to be a snaggle tooth for the first day of school. We put her to bed at 8:00, since school starts tomorrow, and a little while later she comes into our bedroom begging her dad to pull her tooth off. She has been wiggling this thing for a long time now. He tried not once, not twice, but three times to pull it out, but it wouldn't budge so we sent her back to bed. Not even three minutes later she comes running in screaming, "It came out! It came out!" She was SOOOO excited! Check out my little snaggle tooth below.And here's the tooth she lost.Don't you think her tooth pillow is cool?This is what the tooth fairy will be bringing her tonight. I can't wait to see her reaction in the morning.


Marlene said...

She was so cute when she called me last night to tell me about it. She could barely talk for giggling and was so proud that she was able to get it out when her dad couldn't.

Laura said...

Yay! Go, Maddie! She's so tenacious, that one. Glad she is proudly snaggle-toothed.