Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Maddie is the New Rebbie...wait, I mean Work, wait, I mean Team

Maddie has been going through a phase where she has declared herself a boy. First her name was Joey, then it was Rebbie, then it was Work, then it was Team. Then, she decided she was 4, then she was 10, then 14. I was very happy when she walked into Gabe's room tonight and said, "Guess what Mom? I'm a girl again!" She then put a too little black dress and high heeled Cinderella shoes on and pranced around the house. I asked her what made her change her mind about being a boy and she said, "Because you're a girl, mom...and you're painting Gabie's room."

(Yes, that's right. You read correctly - I painted Gabie's room today. It is so cute. Dave described it as being "rich". I have to put on a second coat tomorrow and then I'm going to paint some dinosaurs on one of the walls.)

You have no idea how happy I am that Maddie is a girl again. Yeah!!!

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