Friday, January 2, 2009

Photoshop and Twilight Mix!

This year, for Christmas, I asked for money so I could buy an Adobe CS4. I did, and I installed it this morning at 8:30 a.m. I have been playing with it ALL day. I absolutely LOVE it!

So, what have I been doing on Photoshop all day? (Yes, I said Photoshop - I haven't even opened Illustrator yet). Well, I have been "Twilighting" my friend Pam. What is "Twilighting" you ask? Well, Twilight is the first in a series of "tween" books about a family of vampires. Oh, they are SO good. Pam and I are both on Team Edward. I thought the Twilight series was my secret pleasure - that none of my other friends would even like it. Boy was I wrong! Here is the before and after of my "Twilighting".

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