Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Shhh... I'm not supposed to tell anyone!

(obviously I can't be trusted) Tonight at dinner Maddie and I were making a salad (which she loves). I had put the lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and bacon bits on the counter and walked to the fridge to get some salad dressing. Madison had been instructed to put a little bit of everything in the salad bowl. She put in the lettuce and then the tomatoes and cheese. When she got to the bacon bits she says, "Do you want me to put some of these bacon sh$ts in here too?" It was so hard not to laugh while I explained to her that they were bacon "bits", not "sh$ts". She was so embarrassed and made me promise not to tell anyone.

I figure that since she can't read yet that I can type this in here. As long as I don't utter a word about it, I'll be ok. She will appreciate the recording of this instance later on in least I hope she will.

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