Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Free and Clear, or so we thought

Madison's eyes are looking great. No redness or goopyness at all, so she went to school today. As I was helping her hang her coat and backpack up her friend Mela came up to her with her hand over her eye. Mela then proceeded to hold her eye open with her hands and show Madison her eye. She then said, "I've got an eye infection, look!" Madison backed up away from her, looked at me and said, "Oh no, she's got a pink eye too!" Maddie looked scared to death. She hated getting those drops in her eyes so that is probably why. Needless to say, when I told Mela's mom Maddie had pink eye last week she took Mela home and hopefully to the doctors. I hope no one else gets it.


Laura said...

Up-date, up-date, up-ate... ; - )

So what's new with the pink eye, etc.?

Nikki said...

The pink eye is all gone in our household. Mela wasn't in school on Thursday. Maddie said she was out sick. I haven't heard that anyone else has gotten it.