Friday, September 26, 2008

Not My Finest Moment

I meant to take a shower this morning, but by the time I bathed the kids, fed them breakfast, played with them, cleaned the house a little bit, fed them lunch, did some laundry, did some more cleaning and played with them a little bit more it was 4:00 p.m. and Dave was getting home from work. Dave went in to wake Gabe up from his nap and he had had an accident so he stripped him down and then stripped the bed down. I started on more laundry and remade Gabe's bed. Then we ate dinner and cleaned up after. We got the kids dressed in their pajamas and they were settling down to watch a TV show so I decided I would sneak into the bathroom and finally take a shower.

As soon as I opened the door and turned the water on Maddie came running in and told me she wanted to take a shower when I was all done. I told her that was fine and that she should go watch TV and I would come and get her when I was done. She wanted to sit on the toilet seat and watch me. I just wanted to take a shower alone, so I told her to go watch TV with Daddy. She walks out and I get in the shower. A few minutes later she comes in with Dave. She went and told on me for making her leave. I was so frustrated I just yelled, "Get out of here and close the door after you." It worked. They both left, but I felt bad for yelling.

When I got out of the shower I went and told Maddie I was done and she came in our bathroom to get in the shower. I told her I was sorry for yelling at her and she said, "That's ok Mommy. You can yell at me anytime you want."

Where does she get this stuff?

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