Sunday, November 9, 2008

Poor Baby Gabie!

My poor little baby is sick. Well, he has been sick, but now you can really tell that he is sick. His nose is runny and he coughs a lot and he is now complaining very frequently that his ears "hurt me". He will stay home from school tomorrow and I will take him to the doctors where they will probably give him something for a double ear infection and possibly (as long as he doesn't have a fever) give him his flu shot.

Recently he has started protesting basically everything I ask of him by saying (sometimes screaming), "No!" This morning, however, he has been saying, "No 'cue." I'm pretty sure he is trying to say, "No thank you." How cute is that?

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm so sorry to hear it! I hope he feels better soon. Ear infections are awful. Nana's poorly too.