Tuesday, September 18, 2007

No Pushing!

Gabe can talk now. He is starting to say so many things. Last Thursday we were all getting ready to take Maddie to school and I had set breakfast out on the table. Gabe tried to climb up in Maddie's chair so she got mad and pushed him backwards. He gave her the dirtiest look I've ever seen, shook his little chubby finger at her and said, "No pushing!" I about fell over. It was the funniest thing I have seen in quite a while.

Later that day Gabe was climbing on our TV stand and I caught myself standing there shaking my finger at him saying, "No, no, no, Gabe!"

Monkey see, monkey do.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Awesome! That kid's a hoot and a half, I say (well, the both are, actually).

Good for you on the blogging venture. I look forward to hearing their exploits (and yours!)